Friday, August 28

Stress and Confusion

I haven't worked in two weeks.  Last week was nice because my best friend came home from San Diego.  So her being home involved lots of running around and constant entertainment.  Well when she left on Sunday and my other best friend/roommate moved into our apartment the same day I was left behind in my same old boring life to do nothing. It's alright though after this week who knows when I'll be this bored again.

Shannon coming home was nice, but it always takes awhile to recover after she's gone.  When she comes home it's almost as if she never left and you start to forget what it feels like when she did. Shannon and I have that weird best friend connection.  I really don't know how to explain it to someone who doesn't have that one best friend that gets you all the time and understands where everything you say is coming from.

I've spent the entire week wanting to go up to Slippery Rock to move the rest of my crap in, but my dad decided to pick this week to put the car in the shop.  So now I'm forced to do all this running around Sunday, the day before my first day of classes and my last day of summer. I wanted to just drive up to Slippery Rock with everything done and ready to go on Sunday, but it looks like its going to be the complete opposite. Ahhh nothing can ever go my way.
So since I didn't end up going to Slippery Rock I've been online and watching TV/movies all week.  I rented Adventureland with my sister last night.  I sat down and watched it with her, my younger brother, and my mom.  I know my mom didn't like it and I don't know how my sister or brother felt about it, but I liked it.  I think Kristen Stewart is an amazing actress and really enjoy watching her in movies whether I truly like the movie or not.


I think part of the reason i enjoyed the movie so much was because it was filmed in Pittsburgh my home town and Kennywood.  The amusement park everyone goes to at least once every summer. Its tradition and that's what you do.  So to have the rest of the world watching a movie that was filmed in my city's amusement park and town is pretty cool. :-)
That's really all i have for now since I'm about to walk out the door, but enjoy and I'll write later.

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